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A lot has changed in 9 years...

Writer: Allison Kreiger Walsh, JDAllison Kreiger Walsh, JD

Updated: Sep 29, 2021

I love how social media reminds you of moments from the past. This one popped up for me earlier this week and I took a minute to flashback, and most importantly express gratitude to my younger self for not giving up.

I can remember this day like it was yesterday.

We were still climbing our way back from the devastation of the recession (we lost pretty much everything). We were new parents after experiencing a miscarriage. I lost both of my grandmothers within 2 months of having my daughter, one of whom was my ROCK. I had just finished law school, with a ton of student loan debt, and realized I did NOT want to practice law. I had started a job that I didn’t love to pay the bills, and I was super frustrated that life didn’t feel as good as I thought it should.

I kept beating myself up that this was my could this have happened after how hard I had worked??? I felt like a total failure. 🤯🤯🤯

I knew I was at a serious crossroads. I either needed to lean in and be brave enough to take bold action or I needed to accept a version of life that I knew was me NOT living up to my own potential.


I launched a new version of my coaching company which ended up scaling to 6 figures quickly, and I joined a start-up that allowed me to take my lived experiences and turn them into a career impacting lives every single day.

Fast forward to today, and my company has evolved into a beautiful coaching and consulting agency that allows me to help women step into their true potential and turn their goals into a reality. The start-up is flourishing and we’ve got nearly 1,000 team members across the country, and recently launched a new app to be able to help millions. We just received another $75M in funding and are expanding considerably in 2022.

Has it been easy? NO

Has it been worth it? ABSOLUTELY

Are there days that are still difficult? OF COURSE

Here’s the deal though… I could have EASILY talked myself out of it. I can still remember the thoughts and emotions I was feeling back then…

➡️ I wanted more, but I didn’t even know where to start.

➡️ I knew I was not living my AUTHENTIC life, but I was afraid of fully showing up as ME.

➡️ I was terrified of failing.

➡️ I was scared to share that I wanted something new and different for myself and my family.

➡️ I didn’t want to let anyone down.

I am so grateful that I didn’t let those thoughts or emotions hold me back.


✨ I had brave conversations and shared what I wanted.

✨ I accepted that I had made some mistakes along the way so I could stop the self-shame game.

✨ And I asked for support as I leaned into who I really was and who I wanted to serve.

My question for you is, do you want more for yourself?

If nothing changed between now and 5 years from now, would you be happy?

I always try and find a silver lining in the timing of life. The pandemic has been unbelievably difficult in so many ways, but it’s also given us the ability to pause and reflect on where we are and what we want to change.

You don’t have to be at rock bottom to make a change. You can 1000% be at the “I want more” stage and take action now to create the version of your life and business that you’ve always wanted. Instead of waiting until you're fed up, give yourself permission to fully evolve into the person you were intended to be.

Others may not understand where you’re headed, and that’s totally ok. Your vision was given to you, not them, for a reason. It's up to you to surround yourself with people who do understand and are able to support you and guide you as you evolve into the version of you that you were intended to be.

My hope is that you listen to your heart, you set yourself up for success and you approach the last few months of 2021 unapologetically so that you can have the most incredible year in 2022.

Please know that I am cheering for you and am here for you every step of the way.

Don’t hesitate to reach out if you’re ready to go for your next level. I’d love to support you!

And remember, I believe in you 1000% and my goal is that you do too!




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